Assignment 2


My live contemporary artist that I chose is Glucio Gronk Nicandro. He is an artist that works with murals, paintings, performance and installation. I consider his art to be abstract, at least from what I can see, the mystique of how vague the pieces are interests me. He focuses on people in some pieces while others are a mix of animals and nature, I enjoy specifically how simple or extremely exaggerated shapes and positions his art tends to be in. Like looking at the mundane or ordinary in a different perspective, which is also what I find interesting about Gronk's performance art too. 

Another artist that is one of the three I chose besides the contemporary live artist is Salvador Dali. His work has always astonished me since I absolutely fell in love with his surreal paintings. It's interesting to have a look at his drawings to see the foundations of his ideas. 

Dali's style inspires me in my own work and that's another reason as to why I chose him, the way he can twist shapes into wild illustrations to these delicate sketches of the human form. He's an artist that I aspire to be. ( all of his wrongs aside )

Gustav Klimt is another artist to have eluded and fascinated me. The way his compositions are almost overwhelming with the amount of colour and use of pattern, as well as texture in his pieces. There isn't always a centerpiece like in the example photos I took, but these works were more of my favorites of his. The negative space that the faces make to the condensed backgrounds has a precise intent that I love. It gives a sense of peaceful chaos to me, that's what I wish my own work was.


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